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Subject:[hillel] Hillel Newsletter
Date:Monday, 08 September 2008 23:18
From:"Hillel @ NCSU" <>
To:"Hillel Listserv" <>

Hey Everybody,
Hope your Monday was great. I want let you know happy I am about the
turnout we had for Shabbat. Due to the great success your Hillel
board has decided to have the next Shabbat catered as well (instead of
just dessert). The next Shabbat will be on Sept. 19th, Blue Room in
Talley, 7 pm. Looking forward to seeing all of you again.

P.S. Make sure you RSVP so we order enough food :)

Faran Dulberg
NCSU Hillel President

1) Community Hillel Meeting
2) Birthright Israel for FREE: Sign-up Sept. 10th
3) $ 1 Ice Cream Night @ Baskin Robbins
4) Second Shabbat of Fall Semester
5) Shack-a-Thon
6) T-Shirt Design Contest
7) Upcoming Events

1)Community Hillel Meeting
Sunday September 14th
7 pm
Multipurpose Room on East Campus
(Building where East Campus C-Store is, room is on 2nd floor)
Come to the 1st community Hillel meeting of the year and hear about
upcoming Hillel programs and how you can get involved. We will have
time for discussion (updates, your feedback on recent events, and
events you would like to have). This is a good time to learn about
Hillel, meet members and snack :)

2) Birthright Israel for FREE: Sign-up Sept. 10th
Wednesday Sept 10th
NCSU Library
Meet downstairs in Hill of Beans, coffee shop seating
Since many Hillel members are signing up for birthright over winter
break we thought it would be nice to have everybody sign up together.
You can meet Jake Goldbas at Hill of Beans and then go on the
computers at the library to sign up. Make sure you bring the
necessary documents, check: for the
details. Jake's phone # is (315) 796-4420 if you can't find him.

What is birthright?
Birthright is a free trip for students 18-26, who have
never been to Israel with a peer organized group. Registration starts
on Sept. 10th. The website offers a lot of helpful information, but
don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions

How to:
Go to the website,, on the application
you will have to put in the provider and school. For provider, put
"HILLEL." For school put "NCSU".

Some of what will you do in Israel:
* A jeep ride on the Golan Heights
* Visiting the Western Wall, and exploring the tunnels underneath
* Floating in the Dead Sea
* Sunrise on Masada
* An archaeological dig
* Hiking in a gorgeous nature preserve with a refreshing waterfall
at the end
* A night in a Bedouin tent
* A chance to meet your Israeli peers
* Swimming in the Mediterranean Sea at sunset

3) $1 Ice Cream Night @ Baskin Robbins
Tuesday, September 16
Baskin Robbins on Hillsborough St.
Socialize with your friends at $1 ice cream night. Carpooling will be
available if you want a ride e-mail

4) Second Shabbat of Fall Semester
Friday, September 19
7 pm
Blue Room in Talley
Join your friends at Hillel for our second Shabbat. If you missed the
first Shabbat you aren't going to want to miss this one. We will have
a catered dinner, followed by services. Look out for the facebook
invite and evite via e-mail.

Tuesday September 23
Time TBA
Hillel is teaming up with 10 other student organizations on campus for
the first ever multicultural shack on campus. Tuesday will be Hillel's
day to be in the shack. More information will be sent out when we know
more, but mark your calendars.

6) T-Shirt Design Contest
Entries due Oct. 17th
It's about time Hillel had a trendy t-shirt design to strut our stuff
in and you can design it! We will have a contest (Prize) and voting
at a community Hillel meeting in October so get out your markers and
design away.

7) Upcoming Events
Tues Oct. 2nd 9 pm- Apples and Honey night to celebrate Rosh Hashanah
Friday Oct. 17th 7pm- Potluck Sukkot Shabbat
Sunday Oct. 26th 7pm- Hillel Community Meeting